Making This Site with Hugo
Dec 3, 2016
4 minutes read


Static site generators are fun. After building many sites, being able to scaffold one in minutes can be extremely convenient. If the goal is to write a blog, there is no need to wireframe, create the html layout, style, etc. Simply generate the app and start typing.

Hugo is my favorite static site generator. If you know me, the fact that it is written in Go already wins my heart. But it’s also ridiculously fast and easy to use. I will do my best to demonstrate such ease to get a site up and going in minutes.


If you have a Mac and Homebrew

brew install hugo

Otherwise, look into the release list.


Before entering any commands or coding a single character, I like to plan and know what I am making.

The first step for us is to pick out a theme. Here is an extensive list that keeps growing everyday.

When picking a theme, make sure it has the layout and features you will need. Think of navigation bar, routes, and customization. Most themes provide a demo to play around with.

It is not a deal breaker if it doesn’t have everything you need. You can customize a theme fairly easy, but it is less work overall.

After picking a theme, make sure to find the config.toml file, we will need this to configure our app.


The hugo commands are pretty straightforward. To start:

hugo new site .

This will immediately create an app in the current directory, hence the ..

Now, let’s add our theme. Go to the source code of the theme. Here is the repo containing all the themes. For this site, I used the cocoa-eh theme.

To add it, simply clone it with git into a themes directory. For example:

git clone ./themes/cocoa-eh

Copy the config.toml file provided by the theme to the root of the project. Sometimes it is easily provided by the theme, other times look into the demo source code. This is an example of one.

Customize it with your information.

When that’s done, serve the application with the new theme

hugo server -D

The new site should be up and running on localhost:1313


As I mentioned before, customizing a hugo app is fairly easy. Inside the theme directory, there is layouts and a static directory.

The static directory is where you can add any assets, css, or js files.

Link to them in the layouts directory. Inside the partials, you’ll find the header and footer to add any scripts.

The one unfamiliar syntax you might find is the “Actions” surrounded by {{ and }}. This is Go’s Template syntax, very similar to Handlebars. The “Actions” are basically arguments or pipelines to add value and logic to the template.

In our case, we can use it to link to our files with the correct path. There are many variables available, the one we will use is {{ .Site.BaseURL }}, which as you might have guessed, represents your app URL defined in the config.toml.


<script src="{{ .Site.BaseURL }}/js/app.js" type="text/javascript"></script>


Depending on the type of site, we will want to add some personal content. Inside the project, there is a contents directory. This is where the markdown files live and are parsed into html from.

Hugo themes will usually specify what files it is looking for. Some common ones are, blog/, and projects/.

We can create these files manually, but the preferred method is to generate them with hugo:

hugo new blog/


hugo new


So far we’ve been running a hugo server to edit our new application. To generate the static files with our theme, run:

hugo -t [theme-name]

That’s it! The public directory will contain our new and wonderful application. You can deploy it to any static site host. Github Pages is my host of choice. There is a nice tutorial here to create a for easy deployment.


Checkout this site’s repo for more code examples.

If you find yourself customizing a lot of your theme, I highly encourage you to create your own hugo theme.

Also, feel free to checkout other static site generators.


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